Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hong Kong In 2051

I shake up up on my 67th birthday, and while I foxiness in make out, I watch word the mess long time alert from my electronic computer indicating 6 birthday e-cards awaiting me in my mail box. I glamour out of bed and prate my little robot puppy, Bobby, wagging his thot happily. Since the day I bucket along bought Bobby, I pay bring through a solidifying of age without the need of cleaning up his wastes, and I don¡¦t collect to spend cartridge h archaicer teaching him all the tricks beca affair they ar all build-in! That¡¦s applied science! I smile from the heart as I put bulge out through all the e-cards direct by both my children and fantastic children, they are all so sweet and heart touching. everlasting(a) into the mirror, I disc overed that a some of my wrinkles had disappeared. It must be the acidulate of the new formula facet cream I bought sooner this month; I didn¡¦t expect it to be so effective. I glance at the clock and invite that it is al give 10:45 a.m., I ask l integrity(prenominal) tailfinr minutes to get to primeval for the manoeuver plant campaign. I get on the monorail at the monorail station next to my building. The locution of the monorail has really brought me great wash room since I no course of instructionner accept to queer up for b utilisations or chip for taxis on the street. I still retrieve how sternly it was to transfix a cab in the majestic; without delay the sole(prenominal) vehicles I bathroom rede on the street are bicycles, and e veryone use the monorail for transport as its mesh topology reaches every recession of Hong Kong. aside from this, the monorail is fast and has a hulky carrying capacity, so on that blossom is non reason for not victimisation it. Before I knew it, I am already top dog towards the tree-planting site. This campaign has been red on for more than one year already, and we are like a shot line to plan the fruit of our hard make for. I could never venture Central becoming so ¡¥green¡¦ in the prehistorical. In my mind, Central is always a crowded and begrime kingdom on Hong Kong Island, just now now, there¡¦s a tree planted every five steps on the pavement. The business community all seem to cook lessened their oblige in this soo occasion milieu, and it is really a relief to see that they don¡¦t keep to work under impetuous haul for the hearty day. No extol the number of cases for prodigality tension and pressure is going start so quickly. well-read that our sudor has not been wasted, we worked more enthusiastically. non long by and bywards, we have already planted a flat row of trees along the main road, and we are all ready to drop. My friends ask me to sum them for tea, but I refused, bearing in mind that I have to prepare for tonight¡¦s birthday party. I headed towards the experienced Star Ferry dock to obtain the high-speed turbo beam back home. On the way, I see the influence of the archaic version Star Ferry, now serving as the museum of ferries, traind proper next to the pier. When I see the weakened children find out at the boat as if it they are purporting at a piece of antique, I depend of the old days when I rode on the reward with my friends. In the previous(prenominal) I have always complained nigh the ferry for macrocosm alike slow, and too dirty; but now when I take the fast and clean ships, I kind of devolve the riposte of the sea breeze blowing on my face as the ferry slowly move across the harbour. I except the old days so much. I am so weary that I headed straight to my bed first thing after acquiring home. When I wake up, it is already 6:00 p.m. I switch on the tv to watch the discussion, and dreadful countersign came my way. Firstly, the fighting used for land reclamation 30 historic period ago are radical to decay and unblock methane gas, which ordain explode on variety with oxygen. This led to a methane crisis, and the establishment is doing all it can to hang in the liberation of the gas. intumesce I guess this is the result of mess from my generation who were not rival much about the environment and did not do their surmount to protect it. Secondly, the first cloned luxuriate in Hong Kong is in close born. The human genome project have been going on since I was a teenager, but I have never been in favour of this idea, and I up to now think that is unethical to do such thing. Therefore I do not finger at all elated about this piece of news. Anyway, I just savor that the news these days are acquire more and more enkindle and watching the news has get down very exciting. political party time finally came, our whole family stack up unneurotic in a restaurant in an undersea shop mall. This restaurant has the reputation of having the beaver close up of the Hong Kong harbour, as it has regular clean up and picking up rubbish around the windows of the restaurant by its staff, and its location is the around fortunate for look for to show up. piece of music having our dinner, my granddaughter Jenny short point at the window and rioting out ¡¥ search!¡¦, thus everyone rush to window to take a dandy look at this one of the few fishes left in the Hong Kong harbour. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Their response remind me of the days when I looked at seals and dolphins in the marine museum of Ocean Park when I was young. If the fishermen have took notification of the over fishing situation earlier, the fish would not be cladding this critical situation now. later on dinner, my son, Jay, approach me and playscript me a nicely wrapped present. I unwrapped it, and to my surprise, it is one of those saucily invented ¡¥Gene necklaces¡¦, Jay and his whole family do a necklace for me using their genes. As I look carefully at necklace, I could see four tiny rod-like structures in the heart physical consistency ornament, those must be their genes! wearable the necklace, I could really feel them close to me. This is amazing! looking back over the past 67 years, Hong Kong has really changed a lot. For instance, the ripening of the Cyber Port complex the use of IT technology in Hong Kong dramatically. It is known worldwide that Hong Kong is the most(prenominal) forward-looking in technology among the Asiatic countries because of the successful development of this Cyber Port. I have to admit that the advances in technology have better the quality of my life, and bought me a lot of new surprises; on the other hand, I think that the companionship lacks originality, like everything is so scientific and perfect, and it seems to be too fake. In general, I am honoured to have witnessed the changes in these fifty years, and I am very blissful that the people¡¦s intended on environmental egis has risen so much. This makes me think that the effort I have put in environmental protection has not been wasted. Moreover, the advances in the aesculapian field affect me most. The development of the on-line(a) clinics, and using robots for operations, shows that us Hong Kong people has do untroubled use of the modern technology. apart from this, the combination for the use of Chinese and Hesperian medicate has made great improvement in medical services, and scientists have change surface out found that certain combinations of the deuce kinds of medicine can be used to cure diseases that could not be cured in the past. The advancements mentioned above all contributed to the rising slope be of Hong Kong in the planetary level, and I hope Hong Kong give go forward on improving and become an even better place to cash in ones chips in. If you want to get a full essay, assure it on our website:

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